RRC to Host Family-Friendly Movie Night as Part of 2020 Canada Day Celebrations


(MacDonald Island Park, June 22, 2020) - (Fort McMurray, June 22, 2020) - The Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo (RRC), in collaboration with the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) and the Multicultural Association of Wood Buffalo (MCA), is pleased to invite the community to take part in 2020 Canada Day celebrations through virtual and socially distanced activities.

On both June 30 and July 1, the RRC will host a free, family-friendly movie night at the MacDonald Island Park (MIP) parking lots, featuring a pre show of local content by the RMWB and MCA. Given the current provincial health guidelines, this two-day movie night event will operate with a number of protocols in place, including limited capacities, to ensure the safety of all staff and guests who attend.

Families will have the opportunity to submit an entry online into a randomly drawn lottery, from June 22- June 25, for a chance to attend one of the movie nights.

 “While our celebrations are going to look a little different this year, we took the opportunity to get creative and we are so pleased to be able to host a select group of families at the Island for a movie night.” says Kelsey Stefanizyn, Director of Business and Events at the RRC, “It is a great opportunity for families to try something new and celebrate Canada Day safely.”

The annual Syncrude Grand Finale Fireworks will be launched twice this year on both June 30 and July 1, to coincide with the family movie nights. While access to MacDonald Island Park by vehicle, foot and bike will not be permitted to those who do not have a selected ticket entry, the fireworks will be visible from different points throughout the community. Community members are reminded that physical distancing measures need to be upheld to ensure everyone’s health and safety this year. 

Residents of Wood Buffalo can also participate in Canada Day festivities by picking up a Celebration Kit from June 22 until June 25. This kit consists of items to decorate your house or car, along with fun activities for children. Find out where to pick up your celebration kit at http://www.rmwb.ca/living/Events-and-Festivals/Canada-Day.htm

The RRC wishes to thank the following community partners for their support: Syncrude, Canadian Natural, United Rentals, TD Bank Group, MIX 103.7 & 100.5 CRUZ FM and Country 93.3 & 97.9 ROCK.

More information on 2020 Canada Day activities, how to submit an entry for a family movie night and safety protocols, please visit macdonaldisland.ca/events


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