Message from the CEO - March 16, 2020

First off, thank you again for your continued patience and understanding as we confirm our business continuity and staffing plans in response to COVID-19.  I’ve had the opportunity to check-in with team members from all across the organization and I am personally comforted with how positive and upbeat everyone remains.
Based on the Prime Minister’s announcement today advising all Canadians to take additional measures to look after themselves, the situation continues to evolve and is something that we are responding to.  As of right now, we will be taking a phased approach to our operational plan, moving forward with plans 2-weeks at a time. Our plan will involve all currently scheduled Full-Time and Regular Part-Time employees reporting to work as usual. Given our current closure to the public, we will have the opportunity to take care of maintenance and shutdown projects that were scheduled for future dates. All Part-Time and Casual staff will be scheduled where there is capacity to complete portions of the major annual shutdown projects that will be accelerated.
With this plan, where team members are willing, we are asking employees to be flexible in the projects that they may be asked to be involved in and support each other. This may also include moving employees between departments for support so that we can successfully advance these major projects in an appropriate manner while providing work for as many team members as possible. Employees from MacDonald Island Park may be asked to assist with shutdown projects at the Anzac Recreation Centre, Conklin Multiplex and Sonny Flett Aquatic Centre when it makes sense.
Staff at a higher risk, including those who are elderly, pregnant, chronically ill, have compromised immune systems or pre-existing respiratory disease may request to be redeployed or accommodated to minimize the risk of infection. Those with young children who are impacted by the closure of schools and daycares are being asked to contact their managers and directors to discuss accommodations. Together with our Human Resources department, we are committed to supporting you through this evolving situation.
Should we see no further changes to the situation, this will be our initial two-week plan and we commit to following up with you no later than the end of the day on Monday, March 23, with a revised plan for the two-week period following March 30, 2020.  If you have any questions or would like to chat, please contact me any time. I’ll also take this time to remind you of the mental health resources that are available for you and encourage you to reach out for support if needed. Help is available 24/7 at 
Thank you for everything you are doing and your continued flexibility.


Message from the CEO - March 17, 2020


Message from the CEO - March 15, 2020