Message from the CEO - March 17, 2020
I hope you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves during this time. As you may be aware, earlier this afternoon the Province of Alberta declared a state of emergency under the Public Health Act due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The information from this announcement now mandates many of the steps that we have proactively taken, including the closing of our recreation facilities to the public. Currently, there are no changes to our short-term plan shared with you yesterday afternoon as it pertains to this announcement.
We will continue to update you regularly and will be launching a couple of new resources for you to use to keep up to date, including:
The “ONE Team Weekly” newsletter will be transitioning into a COVID-19 Information Sharing outlet, through this we will be ongoing providing updates, helpful tips and resources as they are available.
We will be launching a new “ONE Team Updates” webpage where we will be continually posting ONE Team communication and resources. This page will be available to be accessed through any internet browser, making it easier for all of us to stay in the know. This link will be provided through the COVID-19 Information Sharing email this evening.
Starting this Friday, March 20, I will be setting aside 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. daily for any team members who would like to chat with me in-person or over the phone about any of your questions or concerns. To arrange a time to chat, please contact
I know these ever changing times can cause uncertainty and I would like to recognize your continued efforts to remain flexible and support each other over the past week.